Emily Spohr
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Emily Spohr was inspired to pursue a career in sonography after her cousin pursued the same career and shared a lot of her studies and information about the career as she was growing up.
“I saw her study and read through some of her textbooks and thought it was the coolest thing,” Spohr said. “She told me what everything meant, and I already started knowing that I wanted to pursue something in healthcare.”
Spohr put a lot of focus on her academic success while growing up, and is someone who naturally loves a challenge. When she learned that Delaware Tech’s diagnostic medical sonography program involved a competitive admissions process, she was even more determined to be accepted to the program.
“The program is a lot harder and there is a lot of studying that goes into it,” Spohr said. “But the hard work is definitely worth it because I am learning things that I am interested in and will prepare me for my future career.
“I am very grateful for the support system I have with my family and friends and fellow students. Plus, the instructors are fantastic and they really connect to the students and honestly care about us and our success.”
Spohr said one of the biggest benefits she has experienced so far is the early clinical experience that the students have received. It has not only helped her learn, but it has allowed her to meet sonographers currently in the workforce and begin interacting with real patients.
“I learn best when I can be hands on with equipment and patients,” she said. “Now I’m already seeing things at clinical that I’ve learned in class and seeing things firsthand instead of just reading it out of a textbook.”
Another thing about sonography that Spohr likes is the diverse areas and locations she can work in and the constant challenge of keeping up with an ever-evolving technical healthcare profession.
“You can work in a hospital or you can work in a clinic and you’ll see so many different things while interacting with different types of patients,” she said. “It’s a job that you really have to be good at and you always have to continue learning and that really intrigues me.”
After graduation, Spohr hopes to start working in a hospital setting so she can get a lot of experience. However, she also hasn’t ruled out teaching in her future.
“I could definitely see myself coming back to Delaware Tech to teach someday,” Spohr said.